Kingsway Infant School
Head: Mrs Deborah Knights
Kingsway Infants School
North Approach, Watford,
Hertfordshire,WD25 0ES
Telephone: 01923 675 005
E-Mail: admin@kingsway.herts.sch.uk
About Our School
A Message From Our Head Teacher
Welcome to Kingsway Infant School and thank you for your interest. I am proud to be the Headteacher of a caring and nurturing school where learning is fun.
We are committed to providing the best possible education for our children and believe that all children should have the opportunity to achieve through a broad and balanced curriculum. Our dedicated and caring staff team work hard to make sure that every lesson is creative, challenging and meets the needs of the children effectively. By personalising the curriculum for our children, we help to give them the best start to their education and prepare them for their future. We also believe in working closely with parents to support their child’s learning journey and welcome feedback and questions.
As well as making learning fun and engaging, we provide opportunities for pupils to have leadership responsibilities (such as play buddies, class jobs and school council), perform on the stage in our class assemblies and shows and feed our school rabbits. Consequently, this helps to develop the child’s confidence, independence and build respectful relationships.
We hope the information contained on our website will help you to understand more about our school and what we can offer. If you would like to know more, you are welcome to visit us for a tour of the school. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.
Best Wishes
Debbie Knights
These were reviewed and rewritten with staff and Governors:
To provide a happy, safe supportive community where mutual respect is nurtured.
To encourage families and school to work together to promote the understanding of education and care within the community.
To provide an environment for learning that supports all children and shows that we believe that every child matters.
To encourage progress in learning by providing high quality teaching, individual targets and a rich, varied and balanced curriculum.
To encourage all children to be actively involved in their own learning and progress.
Kingsway Infant School Equality Objectives:
To continually evaluate how well the school ensures equality of opportunities for all its pupils.
To identify barriers to learning and participation to meet a diversity of needs.
Continue to develop best use of Pupil Premium funding to support achievement for individuals
By celebrating successes, no matter how big or small, we develop children’s motivation to succeed. We award stickers for a range of successes including; good behaviour, focus on learning, kindness, manners, helpfulness, etc. These are collected in your child’s ‘Smartcard’ and collated each week. This is then linked to our pyramid display in the hall where all pupils have their names. As they attain 10, 50, 100, 15, 200, 250 stickers they are called out in assembly to move their name up the pyramid and their success is celebrated by all. They also win a certificate of merit which they bring home in order to share their success with you.
There are also prizes awarded at the end of each half term, with certificates handed out in assembly for successes in helpfulness, lunchtime manner as well as achievement in maths, reading and PE.
Learning Styles
It is recognised that all of us have different learning styles: auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. So your child may learn best when he/she can be an excellent listener, or when he/she can see something drawn out, or when he/she can use their body to move around and be more 'hands on'. All children use a combination of all three but with different emphasis. We aim therefore to cater for all three learning styles during every lesson so that we can engage all of our learners. We also share learning intentions with our children at the start of a lesson together with success criteria and return to them at the end of the lesson so that we can engage them in self-assessment.
Two members of each class are voted onto the School Council every year. They work with the Senior Management Team to resolve issues and move the school forward. Eco Champions from each class ensure no electricity or water is wasted and as much as possible is recycled. Monitor responsibilities are also awarded for: taking the register, helping at snacktime and being a playground buddy etc. We believe that this gives your child opportunities to develop skills for team work and leadership.