Kingsway Infant School
Head: Mrs Deborah Knights
Kingsway Infants School
North Approach, Watford,
Hertfordshire,WD25 0ES
Telephone: 01923 675 005
E-Mail: admin@kingsway.herts.sch.uk
Our uniform gives a clear, smart identity to every child in the school. The colour scheme is red and grey in combinations as set out below.
The children are encouraged to wear their uniform with pride. It is essential that every item of uniform is named, preferably with a sew-in name tape.
Sweatshirts, cardigans, reversible waterproof/fleece coats, fleece jackets, summer dresses, pinafore dresses, PE T-shirts, shorts, all with the school logo can be ordered from Watford School Uniforms, link below. You can have uniform delivered to your home or place of work or you can click and collect if this is more convenient.
Shoes: Children should wear sensible shoes, which they can fasten independently. Slip on shoes, high heels, platforms, open-toed sandals, trainers or heavy boots are not appropriate for wearing in school.
Jewellery: Children should not wear jewellery. Children with pierced ears should only wear simple studs, and parents are advised to remove all earrings on days when children have P.E. or swimming.
Reception Children:
Reception children will need a pair of Wellingtons and raincoat with either a hood or hat permanently in school.
PE kit for all children comprises of white T shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and black plimsolls or trainers. Children should wear their normal red fleece, jumper or cardigan.
Children need to wear their PE kit to school on the following days: