Kingsway Infant School
Head: Mrs Deborah Knights
Kingsway Infants School
North Approach, Watford,
Hertfordshire,WD25 0ES
Telephone: 01923 675 005
E-Mail: admin@kingsway.herts.sch.uk
The school governors are representatives of the various bodies who have an interest in the school – Local Authority, staff, parents and the community.
As a group they act as a critical friend to the school and are responsible for the school’s management, its standards, its relationship with the wider community and certain financial matters.
Governors are responsible for broad matters of policy; the detailed implementation is carried out by the senior management, teachers and other professionals.
Following reconstitution in September 2015 the term of office of parent, LA and staff governors are three years and Co-opted one year.
If you would like to contact our Governors please email governors@kingsway.herts.sch.uk
Members of the Governing Body Appointed by Hertfordshire County Council.