Kingsway Infant School
Head: Mrs Deborah Knights
Kingsway Infants School
North Approach, Watford,
Hertfordshire,WD25 0ES
Telephone: 01923 675 005
E-Mail: admin@kingsway.herts.sch.uk
New Parent Information
Welcome! We are thrilled to have you join our school community and would like to provide you with some important information to help you and your child settle in. Below you will find a number of documents to support your child’s transition to school. These resources provide excellent information about the daily operations of our school and will help you to understand our expectations and protocols. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education or the school itself.
Before starting school:
50 Ideas To Do Before You're Five
Books You Can Read About Staring School
2024 New Reception Intake.
New Parents Transition Meeting - Thursday 13th June 2pm 0r 6:00pm
Stay and Play Visit - Tuesday 2nd July or Thursday 4th July 3:30pm - 4:15pm
New Reception Food Taster Sessions - Friday 5th July 10:00 or 1:30pm
New Reception Transition Day - Thursday 11th July - 10am-11:30am
New Reception 1:1 meetings - Tuesday 3rd September and Wednesday 4th September
New Reception Start Thursday 5th September 8:45am - 12:00pm